
As time goes by, a memorial may need repairs. Some of the most common repairs are due to the original cement foundations failing due to poor installation. This can cause the memorial to tip or lean in one direction. In some situations, the cement footers are solid, but the ground has shifted due to deteriorated pine caskets used years ago. These days, most cemeteries require cement burial vaults, so these issues aren’t as common, but older memorials may still have to be fixed. This is where Mohawk Valley Monuments, LLC can help. We can remove the old monument, dig out the old foundation, tamp the base of the hole, pour a new foundation, and re-install the monument.

Unfortunately, vandalism does occur from time to time, and monuments do get tipped over. We can replace a fallen memorial, and in some cases, make suggestions to keep it from happening again. Vandals target poorly installed monuments that lean or rock back and forth, in which case our goal would be to not only fix the fallen stone, but correct these issues as well.

Simple repairs can be made to monuments that are leaning slightly. We can jack up a portion of the monument, and add shims to bring it back to level. Of course, though a tipping monument is an indication of a more serious problem, some clients may not be able to afford a full foundation repair. This service provides an option to re-level the stone on a limited budget.

Contact us today to get started and obtain a free consultation.

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